As many of you might already know, Chuck Bodak suffered a stroke about six months ago. I am happy to report that he is doing well today, and thanks to the many that have contacted him through these difficult times.

Chuck Bodak

My good friends Michele Chong and Steve Harpst have kept me well informed, so I can relate any news to the many that I reach out to on my website here.

Here now is the latest up-date from Michele and Steve … please continue your prayers, and feel free to offer a phone call or card to Chuck … may God bless!
David Martinez / Boxing Historian

Hi all,
An update about cutman Chuck Bodak:
He’s doing great and continues to show progress after suffering a stroke in August 2007.
As you know, he’s one tough guy and is never down for the count!
His speech is completely back and he has full movement in his left side of his face again.
Chuck does have partial paralysis on his left side of his body, but through therapy, he is thriving and even back to his famous collage-making.
I’m sure he’ll have some newly-decorated watches, rings, and hats out very soon!

Best wishes,
Michele & Steve
Please continue to write, call and visit at his NEW location:
*Chuck Bodak*
25881 Pinewood Lane
Laguna Hills, CA 92563
949-458-5704 Chuck’s private line
949-859-8547 B and B Facility
Visiting hours: 10:30 a.m.-12 noon and after 3 p.m.-5 p.m.
(1-3 is nap time)

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