Denny Moyer, Former Junior Middle Weight Boxing Champion Passed Away Last Week From Complications Caused By Pugilistic Dementia Sustained By Ring Injuries Moyer, a member of Oregon’s most prestigious boxing family died this past week as a result from complications from chronic brain injuries Pugilistic Dementia. During his career Moyer fought and beat the likes of former world champions Sugar Ray Robinson, Emile Griffith, and Benny ‘Kid’ Paret. Portland, Oregon — July 6, 2010 — Denny Moyer passed away Thursday July 1st in Gresham, Oregon at age 70. Sports writers around the world called Denny Moyer a technically masterful fighter with movie star good looks. Denny, the former Junior Middle Weight Boxing Champion and the youngest member of Oregon’s most famous boxing family was regarded by Oregon sports fans as one of the greatest boxers to ever come out of the state. Boxing Historian David Martinez (dmboxing.com) said of Denny (who died of complications from Pugilistic Dementia) “The baby boom generation will always remember Denny fighting regularly on the nationally televised “Friday Night Fights” from Madison Square Garden. Denny Moyer who represented Oregon defeated the likes of world champions Sugar Ray Robinson, Emile Griffith, and Benny ‘Kid’ Paret.” While still at Central Catholic High School, Denny won the National AAU Welterweight Championship. He turned professional right out of high school, and just two years later after winning 21 professional bouts Denny suffered his first loss in a close decision during a World Welterweight Title Fight with Don Jordan on July 10, 1960. The fight was a nationally televised from the Portland Meadows. Denny went on for a total of 135 professional fights retiring in 1975, but not before becoming the World Junior Middle Weight Boxing Champion in 1962 out slugging Joy Gimbra in a grueling 15 round ring war at the Memorial Coliseum. Denny was inducted into Oregon’s Sports Hall of Fame in 1983 and into the World Boxing Hall of Fame in 2001. Denny came from a prestigious boxing family. His father Harry (96) resides in Milwaukie, Oregon and was the West Coast Golden Glove Champion in 1937. His uncle Tommy (92) resides in Portland and was the National AAU Champion in 1941. His older brother Phil (72) resides in Gresham and had a professional career that was cut short after just 37 fights from a detached retina during a bout with Terry Downes in London, England. Denny was recently featured in a documentary about the boxing industry, both amateur and professional, including the risks of boxing, and how it affects families. The film will open in Los Angles this fall with a premiere to benefit the Retired Boxers Association and raise the awareness of Pugilistic Dementia.
I went to gradeschool with Denny at St. Johns Catholic school in Milwaukie, Oregon. He later joined my brother and my Real Estate Co. after his retirement from boxing. Great guy who I had the pleasure of knowing after boxing and enjoying some fishing trips with. Very sad to hear of his parting.
how can i find sandy his wife??????? will you call me please 503/637/3254 thank you…….
hello & I can help you – contact a member from the Moyer family who is also my frioend Tom Moyer (nephew of Denny) so here’s his email address for you tmoyer@crittergitters.com
Had the pleasure of knowing Denny and the honor of sparring some rounds with a true boxing master. Soft spoken and humble belied a fierce warrior in the ring.
We met Denny & Sandy when we lived at Crooked River Ranch. Really nice people & funny. He was a friendly & down to earth. He’ll be missed.
I went to school with Denny’s wife Sandy Jarvis. She was the one who introduced me to my husband (now deceased) and I will never forget her or Denny. My father loved to watch him box! Never missed a match with him in it!
Denny Moyer lived across the street from me in the housing development called Kellog Park. This was in the middle fifties. Denny and Phil would spar in there front yard and always draw a small crowd of locals. The brothers were very friendly and enjoyed talking to their neighbors. I remember Denny played the guitar and sang. Not bad either.
Grew up with his daughters Denise, Wendy. And Cindy. They were our neighbors on 158th st portland oregon. Early to late seventies. Would be awesome to reconnect with them.