I sincerely want to say THANK YOU to the many that support and have purchased my dmboxing.com website products through the years – so much appreciated!
My newest t-shirt is being offered to everyone for a discount price of just $14.95 and that includes FREE shipping to all mailing locations in the USA.
The t-shirt is black in color, short sleeve, and is a deluxe Hanes (6 ounce cotton fabric) product. The official website logo is nicely displayed on the back side and with the website address on front side.
To make a purchase, include desired size and enclose a check for $14.95 (NO cash please) and send to:
David Martinez Boxing
810 Coronel Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93109
*** I kindly thank my friends: David Garcia, Vince Garcia, George Rodriguez, and Bob Quackenbush for contributing to photo ***
Love it, support it and will buy next year when we move to SD and Rhianna atttends preschool.