(Spring 2018 Edition)
It’s Spring time and let me first say thank you for making this website one of your choices in boxing. It is my absolute pleasure to bring the best of David Martinez Boxing that I can offer.
To celebrate the arrival of Spring, I am offering my official website hat at a whopping 20 percent off its regular price of $18.00. That brings the discounted price to $13.50 and this includes FREE shipping to anywhere in the USA. This is limited offer will expire April 30, 2018. The hat is blue in color, embroidered with website logo on front and website address on back. It has an adjustable Velcro strap, so one size fits all.
To order, send your check or money order, NO cash please, to: David Martinez Boxing, 810 Coronel Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93109. Upon receipt your order will be promptly processed.
As always, I want to say thank you to a small elite group of people that help make my website the success that it is. They are: Bob Quackenbush (Proof Reader and Lead Assistant, Tom Donelson (Author, Member Boxing Writers of America), Jim Amato (Senior Boxing Writer and Boxing Historian), Harold Lederman (HBO World Championship Boxing / Hey Harold! video clips), Steve Corbo (Proof Reader and Guest Posts) , Kathy Kraft (Proof Reader), and in Memory of Rusty Rubin (R.I.P.) who was my first contributor in July 2007 upon birth of website, may his soul rest peacefully in heaven with the Lord.
The boxing world has always kept me interested since my start in 1961. It’s rich history is my high point, with the bias and in competent scoring by judges my low point.
I appreciate all fan mail and input! I truly respect everyone’s opinions to the highest degree. So keep the comments coming!
I have had many write, and continue to ask, who are my greatest boxers “pound for pound” of all time. I have done extensive research over the years and my final tabulation is based on people I have personally known who have lived and seen the boxers from an era before me. It isn’t based strictly on who beat who – but rather on a rating process of each fighter in their prime and at the pinnacle of their career.
Here, in order, is my list of the 15 greatest “pound for pound” boxers of all time:
1) Sugar Ray Robinson
2) Benny Leonard
3) Henry Armstrong
4) Willie Pep
5) Jack Johnson
6) Muhammad Ali
7) Joe Louis
8) Roberto Duran
9) Joe Gans
10) Harry Greb
11) Eder Jofre
12) Carlos Monzon
13) Jack Dempsey
14) Jimmy Wilde
15) Sam Langford
In closing, a couple of key notes of interest are: Bill and Linda Dempsey Young truly do a great job with the newly National Boxing Hall of Fame which the 2018 edition is scheduled for Saturday, April 28 – see their website www.nationalboxinghalloffame.com for more information.
dmboxing.com is going on the road! I’ll be heading to Chicago to cover an upcoming fight card scheduled for Saturday, April 14 in Northlake, Illinois, I am sure looking forward to being ringside for the show. I’ll have a full report for my readers upon my return!
*** A special thank you to website hat model — Christine ***