FROM THE DESK OF: David Martinez


(Spring 2015 Edition)

With The Floyd Mayweather vs. Manny Pacquiao mega fight here on the horizon, May 2nd, the boxing world is finally getting what they ordered – “pound for pound” the two best boxers in the world.

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As I look at mega fights of the past, the decade of the eighties was surely one of the greatest of my involvement in boxing this past half century.

The four elite fighters in that decade were: Robert Duran, Marvin Hagler, Sugar Ray Leonard, and Tommy Hearns.


Of the four, it was Duran who was the greatest “pound for pound” at the peak and pinnacle of his career, the decade prior as a lightweight at 135 pounds.

In rating the top fights of greatness (in order) they were: Hagler vs. Hearns, Leonard vs. Hearns I, Duran vs. Leonard I.  There were other fights back in the eighties that rate high in my book that should be mentioned, three that surface to the top are: Salvador Sanchez vs. Wilfredo Gomez (81′) , Bobby Chacon vs. Rafael Limon (82′), Bobby Chacon vs. Cornelius Boza-Edwards (83′).

All these fights of that generation were of the highest caliber of boxing and I am anticipating that Mayweather vs. Pacquiao will rise to the same heights of greatness in this generation.

I would like to thank the many that contact me with questions and opinions, as I respect your positive input – thank you!

Once again, I would like to acknowledge the people that help make this website the success that it is.  John Boitnott (Web Master), Bob Quackenbush (Proofer Reader / Photo Editing), Tom Donelson (Member Boxing Writers Association of America), Jim Amato (Senior Boxing Writer), Kathy Kraft (Proof Reader), Steve Corbo (Guest Post Writer), Harold Lederman (Hey Harold!), Adam Pollack (Book Reviews), and in memory of a man that is truly missed, may his soul rest in peace in heaven with the Lord, Rusty Rubin (In Rusty’s Corner).

I would like to remind everyone that I support and recommend Gene Aguilera in the recent release of his outstanding book, “Mexican American Boxing in Los Angeles.” His publication is a must for anyone connected to boxing or that grew up in the southern California area.

Book - 1

For further information and purchasing, please contact Gene by email:

In closing, I would like to remind everyone of the upcoming WBC Legends of Boxing Event on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at the American Sports University, 399 N. “D” Street, San Bernardino, CA 92404.

WBC Legends Flyer

Information and tickets, please call Jaime Ochoa (951) 378-9634 or Angel Ochoa (951) 333-5739.

I know you have many choices in boxing, I thank you for making this website one of them!

One thought on “FROM THE DESK OF: David Martinez

  1. Always enjoy your updates and insight David and “Hey Harold” clips too.

    Re Duran, Hagler, Hearns as I recall all three were bested by Sugar Ray Leonard as amazing as that seemed to me when they fought. Just as I never thought Hearns or Hager or Duran would ever lose during their careers as hard punching and tough as they were.

    Really great fights between them all every time they were in the ring.

    Congratulations DAVID on your upcoming induction into another Hall of Fame. Well earned and deserved and hopefully you will not be resting on your laurels and just continue to provide the very best boxing information of all.

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