*** FLASHBACK – this article originally appeared on dmboxing.com on August 10, 2104 … In Loving Memory, I am re-posting in honor and respect to my friend Johnny Ortiz … his funeral article will re-post next week (October 30) for viewing.
By David Martinez / dmboxing.com
Where do I start to talk and grieve about my friend – my good friend – Johnny Ortiz, who passed away on Saturday, August 9, 2014.
I met Johnny back in 1997 upon my arrival into the World Boxing Hall of Fame as a Director of the Board. I knew about Johnny prior to that because I would catch him at times when I was in the Los Angeles area and listened to his boxing radio talk show “Ringside with Johnny Ortiz”.
Upon meeting Johnny, we immediately bonded as loyal friends mainly due to our great love for boxing. I always considered Johnny a mentor and our bond took us to connecting by phone at least twice a week over the years just to check up on each other and say hello.
Johnny has been featured on my website, we have done radio broadcasts together, taken trips to boxing matches, done things socially, and always sat together while never missing a monthly board meeting with the World Boxing Hall of Fame during our tenures with the organization.
To try to explain Johnny’s life and what I know, would be like trying to explain how a nuclear powered submarine is built, and that would take me literally days and weeks and months to do.
Just know that Johnny was a God fearing man, and what came first in his everyday life was serving the Lord. He was respected by his boxing peers, family, and friends. He will be missed as he now takes his step into heaven. Johnny Ortiz, my friend – my good friend – rest in peace!
*** NOTE: for many features regarding Johnny that are displayed on this website, go to menu under Categories and click onto Johnny Ortiz for viewing … funeral arrangements are pending with details available soon … any donations are great fully being accepted by going onto website http://www.gofundme.com/ctlkz4
(Photos Courtesy: George Garcia and David Martinez)
Great story, & memorial to a great boxing man. Johnny Ortiz. R.I.P.