RING TRIVIA for December 2020

I have always been intrigued with boxing trivia 다운로드. This began back when I was a kid in 1961. I would pick the minds of the older generation and ask them questions about their era to educate myself. It’s now my pleasure to bring boxing trivia to my website for everyone 다운로드. On a quarterly basis I post five (5) multiple choice questions – in March, June, September, and December – with the correct answers to follow by the end of each posting month for viewing 다운로드.

1 – Deuk Koo Kim, who tragically died after his bout with Ray Mancini in 1982, was from what country?

a) Japan

b) South Korea

c) China

d) Vietnam

2 – Former welterweight and middleweight champion Tommy Ryan had over 100 professional fights and was only stopped once, by whom 블레이징 스타?

a) Kid McCoy

b) Mysterious Billy Smith

c) Philadelphia Jack O’Brien

d) Nonpareil Jack Dempsey

3) What boxer beat Carlos Ortiz two out of three times in title fights, with his only defeat being by split decision 경력 이력서 양식?

a) Sugar Ramos

b) Eddie Perkins

c) Ismael Laguna

d) Duilio Loi

4) What former wrestling champion (whose father was a boxer who fought Max Baer, Sam Langford, Primo Carnera, and Jack Johnson) had a short undefeated (8-0) boxing career?

a) Freddie Blassie

b) Bearcat Wright

c) Buddy Rodgers

d) Johnny Valentine

5) How many official weight divisions are there in professional boxing today?

a) 14

b) 15

c) 16

d) 17

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