1) Who severed as a sparring partner for Sugar Ray Leonard in preparation for his 1978 bout with Floyd Mayweather, Sr and who he would fight later in his career ?
a) Thomas Hearns
b) Andy Price
c) Pete Ranzany
d) Randy Shields
2) In 1971, top welterweight contender Armando Muniz briefly taught at Cal State Los Angeles … what subject ?
a) Mathematics
b) Physical Education
c) Economics
d) Hispanic Studies
3) What cities (in order) were considered for the Jack Johnson vs. Jim Jeffries “Fight of the Century” heavyweight championship, July 4, 1910, before Reno, Nevada was finally chosen ?
a) St Louis, MO / Chicago, IL / New York, NY
b) San Francisco, CA / New York, NY / Hoboken, NJ
c) Pittsburg, PA / Hoboken, NJ / Chicago, IL
d) San Francisco, CA / St Louis, MO / Pittsburg, PA
NOTE: as a popular feature from dmboxing there are always three new RING TRIVIA questions posted for your enjoyment every month … with answers available for viewing about three weeks later!