1) The first use of a motion picture camera to film a boxing match was on September 8, 1894 at the Thomas Edison Kinetoscope Laboratory, Orange, New Jersey … who did heavyweight champion James Corbett fight ?
a) Peter Jackson
b) Joe Choynski
c) Peter Courtney
d) Jake Kilrain
2) Shortly after his retirement from the ring, former lightweight champion, Paddy DeMarco worked at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas … where he was a … ?
a) card dealer
b) bouncer
c) parking attendant
d) bartender
3) In 1899, middleweight Tommy West won on a foul over Jack Bonner after eight rounds, because he was blinded with what substance found on the gloves of Bonner ?
a) eucalyptus oil
b) motor oil
c) mustard oil
d) tea tree oil
NOTE: Answers will be posted for viewing later this month on about June 25th