RING TRIVIA for June 2011

1) Muhammad Ali was born in Louisville, Kentucky. What other former heavyweight champion was also born in Louisville and note both fighters also had their first professional bouts in Louisville ?

a) Jim Jeffries

b) Marvin Hart

c) Gene Tunney

d) Max Baer


2) Which boxer was 22 years, 11 months younger than George Foreman when they fought ?
a) Axel Schulz

b) Tommy Morrison

c) Michael Moorer

d) Shannon Briggs


3) The last TV comercial performed by Rocky Marciano before his death in 1969 was for what automobile product ?

a) STP Oil Treatment

b) Fram OIl Filters

c) Pennzoil

d) Texaco Gasoline



( RING TRIVIA is a monthly feature from David Martinez Boxing … with answers always available three weeks later for viewing )


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