It’s that time once again, to say thank you to you – my many website fan base people.
My boxing site has now been up for a little more than two months, and I have gotten so many nice complements from everyone, that it just makes it a pleasure to continue my work to you as a boxing historian with every intention to provide the best in boxing.
I want to take this opportunity to thank a very special person that has worked endlessly, and has done so many good things behind the scenes to make this website what it is today, and what it will be tomorrow.
My producer John Boitnott is that special person, and without him – I would be like a kid lost on a trip to Disneyland without a map … he is my map and this is my Disneyland – my boxing website.
On another note, in what’s coming up later this week, I will feature a story article on former Lightweight champion Mando Ramos, also the October Ring Trivia answers, a story regarding a “most thoughtful” gift that I received from my friend Eva Futch – the widow of the late “legendary” boxing trainer Eddie Futch, plus many more features as they become available will be posted.
A question that am often asked – is boxing dead? … my only “capsule” answer to that is – boxing has it’s and downs, as do other sports … I don’t ever compare boxing to the others because they are all truly different, and they all have their immortals cased in history which makes each separate sport so unique.
Controversy has always been in boxing since the days of Jack Johnson, Jim Jeffries … but the “single” thing that takes boxing to it’s height is – when the elite boxers fight each other (i.e.) Hagler, Duran, Hearns, Leonard all fought each other.
We have some of that coming up in the next couple of months – on November 3, Joe Calzagle vs Mikkel Kessler, and Juan Manuel Marquez vs Rocky Juarez; on November 10, Miguel Cotto vs Shane Mosley; on December 8, Floyd Mayweather vs Ricky Hatton.
On a closing note, what hurts boxing is – someone needs to tell Evander Holyfield to retire!
David Martinez / Boxing Historian