With Christmas just around the corner won’t my website t-shirt make the perfect gift – for you or your other 아이폰 음원 다운로드!

These past two years I have offered my website t-shirt in the color white. Recently the change was been made to blue and so that will now match my website hat in color 다운로드.

This product is available for purchase at the low price of just $10.00 each with FREE shipping to any where in the USA 다운로드.

The blue t-shirt is short sleeve with official large size logo on back and with small version of fighter imagine on front, with all sizes available: small (S), medium (M), large (L), extra large (XL), double extra large (22XL).

To purchase your t-shirt, just send a check or money order only (NO cash) with your size requested, and with your return address to:

David Martinez / Boxing Historian
P.O. Box 41536
Santa Barbara, CA 93140

NOTE: the white color t-shirt is still available, but is limited in stock in only one size … please stand by for information coming later this month on website concerning white ones – which are now a collectors item.