It has now been one year (December 2007) since I introduced my official dmboxing web site t-shirt. Your fan support since then and since my website was born (July 2007) is much appreciated.

Since the introduction of my t-shirt – I have done everything possible to keep the price at the same low cost of $15.00 each, or two for $25.00, with FREE shipping to any where in the continental United States of America.

Christmas is here and if you are intrested – simply send a check or money order only (NO cash) with your size requested and with your return address to me:

David Martinez / Boxing Historian
Post Office Box 41536
Santa Barbara, CA 93140

At this time two sizes are available: large (L) and extra large (XL) – this product is a white (Haines) long sleeve polo type t-shirt with website logo on front .

I am happy to announce, that next month (January 2009), I be will introducing my official dmboxing website hat for purchase … so please stay tuned to this website for further details.