Website T-Shirt is Here!

I am happy to announce that my official boxing website t-shirt is now here for purchase, and at the lowest price available to you!

For a special 60 day time period, I am offering this item at a great price of $15.00 each, or two for $25.00, with FREE shipping!

Now-a-days, you can’t even get a large pizza, with tip, delivered to your home for this incredible price. This offer is just in time for Christmas and will start the New Year off with a bang in 2008!

This is a white, long sleeve, Haines t-shirt with logo on the

front … with sizes available in: Medium, Large, Extra Large,

and XXL.

To order, simply tell me how many and the sizes you need, and send ONLY a check or a money order, with your return address. I would also like you to enclose a phone number or e-mail address (which I will keep confidential) with your order in case I need to contact you.

Send to:

David Martinez / Boxing Historian

P.O. Box 41536

Santa Barbara, CA 93140

One thought on “Website T-Shirt is Here!

  1. David, it was great seeing you at the GSBA holiday luncheon with all of the boxing greats.
    Your new T-shirts are awesome!
    I really like the design and the long sleeve style. I bought one for Steve and gave it to him as one of his early Xmas gifts.
    Steve is proudly wearing his T-shirt and is always getting a lot of nice comments about it 🙂
    Happy Holidays!

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