Simple Data Sharing Agreement Template

Data sharing is an important aspect of businesses today. Organizations often share data with each other to improve their services or products. However, data sharing needs to be done carefully and legally, which is why a data sharing agreement is crucial. In this article, we will provide you with a simple data sharing agreement template that you can use to protect your data and ensure that it is being shared responsibly.

What is a Data Sharing Agreement?

A data sharing agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions for sharing data between two or more parties. The agreement ensures that the data is shared responsibly, and that the parties involved are clear about what data is shared, how it’s being used, and who gains access to it.

Why is it Important?

Data is a valuable asset for any organization, and sharing it without proper protection can lead to legal and reputation damage. A data sharing agreement helps to protect the parties involved and ensures that the data is used ethically.

Simple Data Sharing Agreement Template

Here’s a simple data sharing agreement template that you can use to protect your data:

1. Purpose

The purpose of this agreement is to outline the terms and conditions of data sharing between the parties involved.

2. Data Sharing

The parties involved agree to share the following data:

[List of data to be shared]

3. Use of Data

The parties involved agree to use the shared data for the following purposes:

[List of purposes for sharing data]

4. Confidentiality

The parties involved agree to keep the shared data confidential and to not disclose the data to any third party without consent from the other party.

5. Data Ownership

The parties involved agree that the data remains the property of the original owner, and the shared data is not to be used for commercial purposes without the consent of the original owner.

6. Duration of Agreement

This agreement shall remain in effect until the expiration of [duration of the agreement] or until terminated by either party.

7. Termination

Either party can terminate this agreement with written notice to the other party.

8. Governing Law

This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [State/Country].

9. Entire Agreement

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings.

10. Signatures

Both parties have read and agreed to the terms of this agreement and signed below:

[Signatures of both parties]


In conclusion, data sharing can be beneficial for businesses, but it needs to be done legally and responsibly. A data sharing agreement helps to protect the parties involved and ensures that the data is used ethically. With this simple data sharing agreement template, you can ensure that your data is protected and used in a secure and responsible manner.