(Fall 2024 Edition)
The Fall season is officially upon us and as I respectfully do on a quarterly basis, I want to say thank you to a small team that truly makes dmboxing.com the success that it has been since the first publication back in July 2007.
It’s a pleasure to acknowledge these people, who are: Bob Quackenbush (Proof Reader / Photo Input); Tom Donelson (Member Boxing Writers Association of America / BWAA); Kathy Kraft (Proof Reader); and Steve Corbo (Boxing Writer).
I also want to mention three people who are no longer with us (R.I.P.) who were so instrumental in contributing to my website, and will never be forgotten. They are: Rusty Rubin (In Rusty’s Corner / Glove2Glove); Harold Lederman (Hey Harold! / HBO World Championship Boxing); and Jim Amato (Senior Boxing Writer / Boxing Historian). May they rest peacefully in heaven with the Lord.
Dispalyed in this edition is my official website hat. It is displayed. It is blue in color with embroidered logo on the front and website address on the back, with an adjustable Velcro strap to fit all sizes. To purchase this attractive product, kindly send $22.00 to: David Martinez Boxing, 810 Coronel Street, Santa Barbara, California 93109 – AND – the price includes FREE shipping to all USA zip code zones.
I would like to acknowledge my friend Bob Quackenbush. I have known Bob for 45 years and he certainly adds a tremendous wealth to this website. He does proof reading to perfection and it is such a blessing to have him as part of the dmboxing team.

Bob has also written some nice article pieces for the website, and they can be viewed by going to the category menu and clicking onto his name.
For those not familiar with Bob, also known as “Quack” as his many friends call him, he was born in Glendale, California, attended Crescenta Valley High School, is a graduate of Westmont College, Santa Barbara, California, and resides in lovely Carpinteria, California – thank you Bob!
Continue reading FROM THE DESK OF: David Martinez