Harold Lederman – HBO World Championship Boxing

By David Martinez / dmboxing.com

When I heard the recent news that HBO will be dropping boxing from their format, my first thought was of my friend Harold Lederman.  Licensed as a Professional  Boxing Judge since 1967, and had established a reputation as one of the world’s top boxing judges before he joined HBO.  For the past 32 years Harold has been HBO’s “Unofficial Official” sitting ringside as part of HBO Boxing’s broadcast team.  He has also been kind enough to contribute to this website with his short video links called “Hey Harold”.

I am disappointed HBO has taken this course of action.  Quite frankly, boxing is the only reason I have subscribed to HBO for the past 45 years.  I think I can count on one hand, the number of times I missed one of their Saturday Night Championship Shows.

In honor of and out of respect to Harold, I have made the decision to keep him as part of dmboxing.com website.  I will randomly show old video links from Harold to keep him in the eye of my fan base.  Each video replay will be dated for reference and all of Harold’s videos will be available by going to this  website’s  “Categories” section and clicking on Harold Lederman.

3 thoughts on “Harold Lederman – HBO World Championship Boxing

  1. I’m glad you are keeping the Hey Harold, classic segments. I love them. Harold is great.

  2. I am so proud of my brother Harold…His extraordinary knowledge of boxing and its history and as well as his wonderful sense of humor has contributed so much to the enjoyment of the boxing audience watching at home…It certainly is HBO’s loss ….

    Thank you for continuing to keep Harold in the reach of all those who love and admire him…

    Billie Lederman-Bauman

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