On a quarterly basis, I always write to thank and acknowledge the people that make this website the success that it is. My producer is John Boitnott, the main person who is simply my right hand man with his professional expertise regarding this website. Other key people are: Bob Quackenbush (Proof Reader and Photo Editing), Kathy Kraft (Proof Reader), Rusty Rubin (In Rusty’s Corner column), Tom Donelson (Boxing Correspondent Writer), Jim Amato (Senior Boxing Writer), and Ray Luna (Media Photographer). I am so grateful to have these wonderful people that contribute to this website in a positive manner.
My t-shirt, hat, and tank top products are a huge part of this website and the girls that pose wearing these items have all added a personal touch with their beauty and support.
As a boxing historian and avid collector for over fifty years, I strive to bring everyone the best in boxing in a most respectable and professional way. The fan mail that I receive is greatly appreciated and I respect your views and opinions.
One change on this website has been my RING TRIVIA, which had been monthly and is now offered quarterly in March, June, September, and December. I have added more questions (formerly three and now five) with the answers available for viewing sooner in a two-week time frame. I have always been fascinated with boxing trivia, and as a young boy growing up I would pick the minds of my older generation boxing friends to learn for myself the history of boxing that they knew and lived. When this website was born in July 2007, I knew that RING TRIVIA would be a main feature and I intend to keep it so.
Continue reading FROM THE DESK OF: David Martinez / Boxing Historian