This attractive white (Haines) cotton long sleeve polo t-shirt is still available at the same low cost of $15.00 each, or two for $25.00, as when I first introduced this product back in December 2007, and with shipping provided FREE to any where in the United States of America.
Through the last 17 months in posting this t-shirt for display, I have been truly blessed with a beautiful array of girls that have modeled and represented this website. Those girls can been seen if you go to the menu and click on the category – T-Shirt.
These lovely girls are not professional models, with each being personal friends of mine, and they are: Suzie (Dec 2007 & Feb 2008), Jania (Apr 2008), Maryuri (May 2008), Xochitl (July 2008), Natalie (Aug 2008), Julie (Sept 2008), Krista (Nov 2008), Morgan (Dec 2008), Adriana (Jan 2009), Marteena (Mar 2009), Nina (May 2009).
To order, simply send a check or money order only (NO cash) to me:
David Martinez / Boxing Historian
Post Office Box 41536
Santa Barbara, CA 93140
I regret at this time that the only sizes available are: large (L) or extra large (XL) … and thank you for making this website one of your choices in boxing, it is – my pleasure to serve you!